Essential employment law checklist

Essential employment law checklist

With more changes expected under the new Labour Government, now would be a good time to make sure your employment practices are relevant and up to date. We would say this …..but we do love this simple checklist that will really help business owners reflect on...
5 low-cost ways to develop your wellness culture

5 low-cost ways to develop your wellness culture

As HR experts, it is essential for us to embed wellness into workplace culture and daily management practices. And, with so many strategic objectives competing for our very limited budgets, it’s important to find low-cost ways of doing this. Fortunately, creating a...
Managing drug and alcohol issues in the workplace

Managing drug and alcohol issues in the workplace

Statistics show the increase of alcohol related absence is increasing, with lockdown having a dramatic effect on how much individuals are drinking.  Given this, it is surprising that some employers still see drug or alcohol issues as something to be addressed only if,...
HR software to transform your HR administration

HR software to transform your HR administration

With this December offer, why not join the many organisations who have signed up to a HR software system we truly believe will transform your HR administration. As a Breathe Partner we are excited to announce our fantastic winter offer. Sign up for a trial in December...
Managing mental health advice for in the workplace

Managing mental health advice for in the workplace

Did you know? 41% of employees have experienced poor mental health where work was a contributing factor last year and earlier statistics showing 300,000 people lose their jobs each year because of long term mental health problems. Only 56% of people feel comfortable...